Hey, Pass Me a Beer!

When it comes to beer drinkers there are two types:
1) thirsty
2) thirsty, but not so thirsty that I don’t have 30 minutes to kill, designing some elaborate way to get my beer

The guys in this next video are an example of type #2. We’ve already seen a load of different ways to open your beer here at PHM. Why limit the creativity to just opening your beer? The guys in this clip have gone a step further and figured out a bunch of different tricky ways to get a can of suds from one person to another (via geekologie.com).

At first glance, the two dudes look like liquor store employees with too much time/product on their hands. However, their advanced knowledge of geometry and physics leads me to think they are probably engineers. I will add a note of caution, I am worried this video will spark a wave of copy-cat ‘tossers’, who, in an effort to out-do each other, will keep coming up with more dangerous ways of passing the can. We definitely DO NOT condone that here at PeteHatesMusic, but watch this video, so you know what not to do.

Hey, Pass Me a Beer!

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